تخطي الروابط

About us

At Internews, we believe everyone deserves trustworthy news and information to make informed decisions about their lives and hold power to account. We train journalists and digital rights activists, tackle disinformation, and offer business expertise to help media outlets become financially sustainable. We do all of this in partnership with local communities – who are the people best placed to know what works. We support independent media in 100 countries, from radio stations in refugee camps, to hyper-local news outlets, to individual activists and reporters. We’ve helped our partners reach millions of people with quality, local information that saves lives, improves livelihoods, and holds institutions accountable. Internews is an international nonprofit with 30 offices around the world, including headquarters in California, Washington DC, London and Paris, and regional hubs in Bangkok, Kiev, and Nairobi. 

Internews is registered as a 501(c)3 nonprofit in California, EIN 94-3027961, in England and Wales as a Charity no. 1148404 and Company no. 7891107 and in France as Non-Profit Association SIRET no. 425 132 347 000 13.


Our areas of expertise


Our work improves the quantity and quality of environmental reporting around the world. The Internews Earth Journalism Network trains journalists to cover a wide variety of environmental issues, develops innovative online environmental news sites, and supports local content, including ground- breaking investigative reports.


We work with media to ignite conversations on public health. We engage communities in dialogue that supports uptake of healthy practices and informed decision-making, and support the production of trusted, local-language health information.


In the wake of natural disasters or violent conflict, we support media outlets and public education campaigns that deliver lifesaving information to people in need. We track rumors to counter the spread of misinformation after a crisis, launch radio stations to deliver information quickly and cost-effectively, and foster community dialogues to prevent conflicts.

Gender Equality

We strive to ensure safe access to information for women and girls. We work to advance women into leadership roles in newsrooms and technology companies – and promote the production of more news stories by, for and about women and girls.

Global Technology

We support partners around the globe to demand, build and protect a safe, accessible internet, with a particular focus on the world’s most vulnerable populations. From funding local internet rights advocacy to designing cuttingedge security, we connect local partners globally and provide technological support to media outlets and human rights defenders.

Governance and Transparency

To help media fulfill its watchdog role, Internews trains journalists in investigative reporting, produces content to encourage dialogue on corruption, and helps strengthen laws that protect freedom of expression and of the press.
